For most of us, October means cosy nights in, furry blankets, and of course, Pumpkin Spice Lattes. But up in the stars, another change is taking place. Move over Virgo, it’s Libra season!

Yes, Libra is taking centre stage from 22 Sept. to 23 Oct. While hardworking Virgo season inspired us all to get organised, set goals and stock up on new pens and notebooks, fun and flirty Libra is the ideal time to focus on networking and relationships.

Given that Libras are super sociable, chances are you have at least one Libra friend in your life. Your diplomatic and peace-keeping bestie is likely to have helped you out and been a shoulder to cry on a number of occasions, and now is the perfect time to give something special back. Why not help them stay on top of their busy social calendar with a colourful planner, or gifting them a chic Bubble Wine Glass Set for all those social gatherings?

Represented by the scales, Libra is the sign of balance and harmony. We can't have the light without the dark, and this season, as the day and nights are balanced, brings the perfect opportunity to love all sides of ourselves. What will Libra season bring for you? Find out below:

♈ Aries

It's a great time for voicing your (sometimes controversial) opinions in conversations and debates, Aries. You are feeling more focused in your work and fiercely independent. 'Work Hard, Play Hard' is your mantra this month, just make sure not to over-indulge!

♉ Taurus

Productivity at work can be a challenge this month, Taurus. Although you've got a hefty workload, this is an auspicious time for growth so keep an eye out for business opportunities.

♊ Gemini

This month is all about your inner child. You'll be spoilt for choice with fun activities, whether it be creativity or leisure pursuits. Why not entertain guest with this nostalgic Blockbuster Game?

♋ Cancer

October will be a busy month at home, with lots of comings and goings from friends, family and visitors. The stars are aligned for reminiscent conversations, debates, renovations, expansion - and copious cups of tea!

♌ Leo

Now is the perfect time to get those creative juices flowing. Expect busy days ahead thanks to the speedy pace of your daily routine - hold on tight, big changes are coming!

♍ Virgo

You have a knack for meticulously analysing your finances and ability to make money, and you're likely to find out ways to function even more efficiently throughout Libra season. Make sure you've set money aside for any unexpected expenses.

♎ Libra

Happy Birthday! Your calendar is set to be chocker with social gatherings and get-togethers this month. Remember to take time to unwind and avoid burnout from all the partying.

♏ Scorpio

Engaging in mental and physical activity is a great way for you to ease tension this month, Scorpio. With Libra's planetary energy muddying the waters, you're likely to feel irritated more than usual. Why not go for a leisurely walk in the park, take up a new hobby or join a yoga class?

♑ Capricorn

The universe is working in your favour this month. Whether it's broadening your career or public image, take advantage of this auspicious energy and any additional opportunities to define what it is you really want.

♒ Aquarius

Higher education and philosophical ideas are at the forefront of your agenda this month, Aquarius. Travelling to exotic destinations, enrolling in a new course of study, or simply meeting new people will help support your inborn desire for creating social change.

♓ Pisces

Your ruling planet Neptune turns direct, making it the perfect time to outwardly pursue your intuitive calling to help humanity move forward. The intense planetary energies will inspire you to investigate on a deeper level. Why not journal your deepest thoughts in a stylish planner?

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