Best indoor plants that are easy to keep alive.

Keeping plants has quickly become something a lot of people are getting behind, but it's more than just a trend and we can completely see why it's become so popular.

There are so many benefits to having plants in the home as they help to purify the air, boost productivity whilst making your home look inviting and giving you a proud sense of achievement when your plant pals start to flourish! Now if you’re a newbie or someone who struggles to pick plants you will be able to keep alive, we have created a guide to the best houseplants for beginners.

1. Air plant

Umbra Trigg Wall Vessel

This tropical plant is an easy plant for anyone starting off. It doesn't need soil and can be mounted onto numerous surfaces or placed into cool hanging containers.  They like bright indirect sunlight, (if they receive some direct sunlight they may need more misting to prevent drying out).

Although they don’t have soil they do still require watering. Air plants should be misted once or twice a week and will need one good soak for at least 20-30 minutes a week, and remember to gently shake off excess water before placing the air plant back in its home.

Find the Umbra Trigg Wall Vessel here.

2. Aloe Vera

Sass & Belle Ezra Mini Planter

The Aloe Vera is a super easy plant to look after, and comes with multiple uses oasis other than just looking good. The juice from the leaves can be used to reduce pain from cuts and burns when applied tropically (never digest).

When placing your plant in your home try finding a spot that receives some bright indirect sunlight, to avoid it drying out. It requires minimal watering effort and should be thoroughly watered once every three weeks. The soil should be allowed to dry out between watering and should avoid being left sitting in water to avoid root rot.

Find the Sass & Belle Ezra Mini Planter here.

3. Lucky Bamboo

Sass & Belle Viva La Frida Vase

The Lucky Bamboo is another brilliant houseplant that doesn’t require any soil. Known to supposedly bring good fortune and happiness to its owner, this plant is a must for any beginner or can make a great housewarming gift.

It can be kept in water and will thrive in a bright room, but should avoid being placed in direct sunlight as the leaves will burn. This plant should be kept in water that covers the roots and preferably a tall vase to keep it balanced.

Find the Sass & Belle Viva La Frida Vase here.

4. Monstera Deliciosa

Broste Copenhagen 'Leaf' Plant Pot

Known also under the name of Swiss Cheese Plant (due to its cheese-like leaves) this plant has soared in popularity recently with becoming a graphic icon featuring on the likes of stationery, wallpaper, cushions and all sorts.

This plant is a great statement piece that will require a lot of space to thrive but is fairly easy to look after. It will do well in a room that receives indirect sunlight and needs watering moderately and evenly about once a week. You should wait for the soil to be fairly dry before watering again.

Find the Broste Copenhagen 'Leaf' Plant Pot here.

5. Cactus

Sass & Belle Eyes Shut Mini Planter

There are many different varieties of cacti to choose from making this a lovely introduction to any home. With many different shapes and potential flowering cacti, you can inject a bit of personality from what one you pick.

Although hard to kill, it is possible and this is usually a result of overwatering. Like all plants they do require water but should be allowed to dry out between watering’s, they will react better to under watering than overwatering. Cacti love the sun and will enjoy being placed in direct sunlight.

Find the Sass & Belle Eye Shut Mini Planter here.

6. Succulents

Sass & Belle Mini Girl Power Boobies Planter

Succulents are another easy addition to the home and make an ideal plant for anyone who deems themselves a plant killer. They are a great plant to be placed in direct sunlight (unless newly planted they might require a slow introduction to sunlight) and require moderate watering.

The soil should be left to dry out, you will know when to water your plant as you can touch test the top 1.25 inches of the soil to see if it's dry, that’s when it will need watering. Good drainage is so important for a succulent and should never be left standing in water.

Find the Sass & Belle Mini Girl Power Boobies Planter here.

7. Maidenhair Fern

Chive Minute Plant Pot with Saucer - Boombastic Yellow

This is a brilliant plant for a bathroom, as the humidity loving Maidenhair Fern will look good in a hanging planter or plant pot. Although a bit more tricky for a beginner it's not impossible to keep this plant alive, it just has a few more preferences than the rest of the plants on this list.

This plant prefers a more shaded area away from direct sunlight, as the leaves will burn. The fern requires a fair amount of water as the soil should away be kept moist but never soggy and if you feel the plant isn’t receiving enough humidity make sure to mist the leaves regularly.

Find the Chive Minute Plant Pot with Saucer - Boombastic Yellow here.

8. Snake Plant 

Sass & Belle Leggy Terracotta Planter

Sometimes referred to as mother in laws tongue, the snake plants is an ideal starter plant with many benefits. It helps remove toxins from the air and improves air quality; it’s a great plant to be kept in the bedroom for those reasons alone.

Another lover of indirect sunlight, this is a good plant to adapting to many growing conditions. It should be watered thoroughly with the soil being allowed to dry out between watering.

Find the Sass & Belle Leggy Terracotta Planter here.

9. String Of Pearls

Sass & Belle Rose Hanging Planter

Another popular plant is the string of pearls, they look effortlessly cool draping from hanging planters or on top of cupboards but this too is and easy plant to look after. This should be kept out of reach of pets as the leaves can be toxic if digested.

The String of Pearls love a sunny room but should avoid direct sunlight and any cool drafts as this may cause the leaves to drop. They should be watered every two to three weeks and should be allowed to dry out between watering. Don’t allow them to sit in any excess water. 

Find the Sass & Belle Rose Hanging Planter here.

10. Spider Plant

Sass & Belle Mini Woodland Fox Planter

This plant is probably one of the easiest houseplants to keep, as its very forgiving. It can and will grow in many conditions and rarely suffers growing problems.

The spider plant will also produce many baby plants known as spiderettes and makes a really good starter plant for anyone interested in propagation.  They will thrive when placed in a bright room avoiding direct sunlight and requires well-drained soil to prevent any root rot.

Find the Sass & Belle Mini Woodland Fox Planter here.

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